Europe finally stands up for privacy and rebukes US for its mass surveillance

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Europe finally stands up for privacy and rebukes US for its mass surveillance US surveillance is in need of complete reform and until this happens there will be a massive opportunity for service providers in Europe In a landmark ruling on 16th July the CJEU handed down a final ruling in a long-running case between...

Cloud Analysis: How can EU counter US cloud domination – Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph

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What can Europe do about the grip that US tech giants have on the cloud market? Bill Mew is a key opinion leader on cloud, a judge on the UK Cloud Awards and one of Onalytica’s global top 100 cloud influencers (second highest in Europe – In two articles on the UK national press he…

Is Facebook a publisher or not? and will its new oversight board make a difference?

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Is Facebook a publisher or is it not? If Facebook IS a publisher then it is covered by the US constitution’s protected for freedom of speech and freedom of the press – protections that it has sought on many occasions. However, if it IS a publisher then it needs to take responsibility for what it…

Huawei offers to sell its 5G technology to prospective Western buyers

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In an intersting move Huawei has offered to allay security concerns and circumvent the tarif situation by allowing prospective Western buyers to licence its 5G technology – including the source code. Bill Mew explains the issues in this brodcast interview for RT. Video: To allay security concerns, @Huawei says it's prepared to sell the core…

TV interview: As Police use of Facial Recognition is ruled lawful, do we have adequate safeguards?

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As Police use of Facial Recognition is ruled lawful, Bill Mew, Crisis Team's principle consultant and CEO, appears on broadcast TV to call for do we have adequate safeguards. The recent ruling assumes that Facial Recognition is akin to CCTV which is in widespread use, but an appeal to the ruling will argue that it...

Fact checking – TV interview: Facebook extends its fact checking measures to Instagam, but how effective are they and how do they need to improve?

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As Facebook extends its fact checking measures to Instagam, Bill Mew, Crisis Team's principle consultant and CEO, appears on broadcast TV to discuss how effective the measures are and how they need to be improved. [taq]Video - #FactChecking - TV interview: As @Facebook extends its fact checking measures to @Instagam, @BillMew, from @CrisisTeamUK comments explains...

Antitrust debate: Do we need to break up Google and other tech giants?

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Bill Mew, Crisis Team's principle consultant and CEO, joined Jennifer Breedon - an Anti-terror expert and legal analyst, and Lionel - a legal and media analyst on Crosstalk, RT's flagship debate program for a discussion on the antittrust enquiries that are looking into whether Google and other tech giants should be broken up. [taq] Video...

Issue 10: Need for CASB

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Head in the Sand 10: No systems are 100% secure. State actors and crackers can hack almost everything. The most effective safeguard is to adopt some form of autonomous Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) for dynamic protection. In the AI-powered arms race identified in Issue 5, intelligent automation of threat prevention is seen as not...

Issue 9: More Regulation

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