Specialist Cyber Incident Support is Essential

Equifax, Marriott and the other firms that have been impacted all had both in house and agency teams. They still took actions that made things worse. What they lacked was specialist cyber incident support.

What you really need is close collaboration between all three elements: the in-house teams, the agency teams and the cyber incident specialist – The Crisis Team. Here is how they need to work together:

The In House Teams Understand the Organisation's Culture, Purpose and Brand Better than Anyone Else

The in-house teams (including IT, Legal, comms and marketing – as well as the executive team) are always in strategic command. They are the long term custodians of the organisation and its brand and they understand it best.

The Agency Teams Understand the Market and the Clients Better then Anyone Else - it's why you hire them!

The agency teams, from the retained law firm to the retained PR and marketing agencies, each provide functional expertise. They are the best at what they do, but they aren’t cyber specialists.

The Crisis Team's Understands All Aspects of Cyber Better than Anyone Else - from Cybersecurity to Cyber Law - it's why you need us!

When a cyber incident strikes, you need real expertise in incident response, cyber law, reputation management and social influence to minimize the impact and limit your exposure. That’s why you need to very best specialist support – it’s why you need the Crisis Team!

The Solution: Collaboration between all three - including the cyber specialists

You need close collaboration between all three elements: the in-house teams, the agency teams and the cyber incident specialist from The Crisis Team. If any group is not fully engaged then you’re unable to solve the problem.

The Crisis Team works closely with in-house and agency teams, to provide the elite capabilities and skills that neither would be able to retain. Our elite team are leaders and global thought leaders in every aspect from incident response and cyber law, to reputation management and social influence.